Monday, July 30, 2007


Like the heart in the human body, I believe that communication in relationships connect all the vital elements and sustain the life of relationships.
If you don’t talk and share your feelings, thoughts, and ideas with your partner, then your relationship might be at its breaking point.
You will never improve your communication skills or the way you share with your partner if you don’t begin with the desire to improve it. Without that desire, nothing else will matter.
* Learn to listen:
Some couples are poor listeners; they often sit while the other person is talking waiting for a space to jump into the conversation to defend their actions, explain themselves, or explode in anger. Sometimes the problems that arise in relationships is caused by couples that rarely listen to each other, you should listen actively and emphatically to what your partner is trying to express to you, what he/she is saying by his/her facial expressions, body language,what type of feeling about the subject is he/she trying to convey? Learn to listen to more than just the words, since words alone can’t convey full meaning.

* Don’t assume:
We often assume that we understand what our partner is trying to say and our assumptions can be dead wrong. What’s worse is when we don’t understand and won’t ask for clarification but leave the conversation assuming that we know what was said. Assumption often lead to unnecessary argument hence the best thing to do is to ask the speaker to clarify what they said if you didn’t understand.

* Study words:
You need to understand certain words your partner uses to express or relate his/her feelings to you. Invest some time to learn what he/she really meant when they say certain things. Remember the same words can mean different things to different people, so it’s important that you understand what different words mean to your partner.

* Response patterns:
When certain situation arises, we either fight or run, which is better known as fight or flight pattern. Well, some subjects trigger certain reactions in your partner, for various reasons, so you should be aware of these triggers. Sometimes in sharing you might bring up topics or feeling that scare your partner and put them into a flight situation where they close-up or it might be something that touches a painful memory and takes them to a defensive mode. You need to either carefully back off or gently probe for answers. The importance of being sensitive to your partner’s mood while communicating cannot be over-emphasized because he/she must be comfortable while sharing with you and not be afraid that you might offend them.

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